The phrase "Healthy body, healthy mind" was first used by the Latin writer Juvenal to discourage his citizens from praying to gods for long life. Juvenal's phrase has since become somewhat ambiguous, implying that a healthy body is essential to a healthy mind. It can mean that only a healthy body produces a healthy mind, or that physical fitness is necessary for a healthy mind. John Locke, the founder of modern Western philosophy, also uses it to advocate for a healthy mind.A healthy body and mind are inseparably linked. However, it can be difficult to maintain balance. Food fuels the...

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If you've worked out a lot this year, you've likely noticed that your muscles feel drained and exhausted after a workout. Thankfully, you can take a few steps to minimize this problem. For example, start your training schedule early in the morning and go to bed early at night. In addition, it's recommended that you get at least seven hours of sleep each night - and even more if you've worked out for several days.TOP TIP 1 - To build muscle, you need to challenge your muscles. This means lifting heavier weight and working them harder than you ever have....

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fatigue, fight tiredness, tiredness -

If you're wondering how to boost your energy and reduce fatigue naturally, there are a few things you can do. Lack of sleep and stress can all be factors. Boosting your energy temporarily by drinking caffeine or an energy drink can help, but will not last and is arguably not a very healthy approach. To achieve the maximum level of energy naturally, you'll need to learn how to balance your diet, as well as hormones and other processed in the body linked to your sleep cycle and energy metabolism. Unprocessed, high-carbohydrate and high-fibre foods contribute to a natural energy boost....

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The best way to recover from exercise depends on your specific body type, goals, and current fitness level. A contrast bath can help your body heal and repair the muscle damage caused by exercise. You can also consume protein to help rebuild muscles and repair any damage caused by exercise. The amount of recovery time you need will depend on your fitness level and the intensity of your workouts. If you have more time, try doing yoga or doing low-intensity cardiovascular exercise.The best way to recover from exercise is to make sure you rest. The repeated stress that your body...

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Protein supplements have been touted as the answer to muscle soreness and fatigue. Some individuals also use these supplements as a way to improve their physical performance. Others simply want to boost their recovery from exercise. The truth is, most people purchase and consume protein supplements without considering the scientific evidence behind the claims. In this article, we'll examine the evidence for the links between protein and muscular performance. Here's what we've found.The benefits of protein during exercise are numerous. While the effects of protein during exercise are well-known, the body needs extra protein after an endurance event to rebuild...

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