sample session, sample training plan, sample training session -

Here is an example of one of our Back workout sets we do mid way through our athlete training plans. All our workouts will come with videos and a run through of the technique points. Visit our page on all the workouts we cover including bespoke training for you. WINGS of a DEMIWarmup3 SETS x5 x Hip rotates5 x High kicks5 x lunges5 x Squats5 x PressupsADeadliftView exercise history5 x sets, 6 x reps, RPE 9-10, 2-3minutes REST85% 1RMTECHNIQUE: Stand with your mid-foot under the barbell.Bend over and grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip.Bend your knees until your shins touch the...

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athlete training plan, functional training, sample training plan, workout plan -

Here is an example of one of our Functional sets we do mid way through our athlete training plans. All our workouts will come with videos and a run through of the technique points. Visit our page on all the workouts we cover including bespoke training for you. BALLISTIC WARRIOR - GLUTE ATTACKWarmupMUSCLE ACTIVATION3 SETS x5 x Hip rotates5 x High kicks5 x lunges5 x Squats5 x Press-upsRPE 4-6 EFFORTABarbell Hip Thrust View exercise history4 x sets, 8 x reps, RPE 9-10, 1-2minutes REST80%TECHNIQUE: Sit on the ground with a bench behind you, bending your knees so your feet are planted...

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sample session, sample training plan, training, training plans, training session, workout plan -

Here is an example of one of our adaption sets we do at the end of a cycle. All our workouts will come with videos and a run through of the technique points. Visit our page on all the workouts we cover including bespoke training for you. Walking wounded 🦵 - AdaptationWarmup3 SETS x5 x Hip rotates5 x High kicks5 x lunges5 x Squats5 x Press-upsAWeighted Reverse Lunge View exercise history3 x sets, 8 x reps, RPE 9-10, 2-3minutes REST80% 1RMBarbell can also be used.TECHNIQUE:14kg each sideB1Explosive Half Dead Squat View exercise history4 x sets, 3 x reps, RPE 9-10,110%...

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The Feast Beast Meal Shake is a vegan, dairy free meal shake. A dairy-free, gluten-free and vegan meal shake and non-GM soya isolate protein powder that has been fortified with vitamins and minerals. It is also High in protein, low in saturated fat and with no artificial sweeteners, this chocolate flavoured daily shake is also high in dietary fibre (from chicory root extract - 9.9g per 100g). The Feast Beast is Tasty and filling being compared to that of a rich Belgian Chocolate of the shake world, FEAST BEAST makes for the ideal in-between meals shake. It can even be used as a tasty, guilt-free dessert - just 93 calories per serving! The Feast Beast is also...

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functional training, top10, training, work hard -

FIRST OFF WHAT IS FUNCTIONAL TRAINING? Functional training is an excellent form of exercise that can help improve your everyday activities and sporting performances. These exercises involve the use of multiple muscles and focus on core strength and stability. We highly recommend incorporating functional training into your workout routines to enhance your overall fitness and functional movement patterns. So now we know a little bit more about functional training what equipment could you use for Functional Training, well below are our top 10 Functional pieces of equipment you should try: TOP 10 FUCNCTIONAL EQUIPMENT> 10th PLACE - SKIIS Originally designed...

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